Monday, September 26, 2011

Autumn Abundance

This past weekend I drove home to visit with family. It was marvelous to hear the sound of laughter and smell home-cooked meals being prepared in the kitchen. To see unmade beds and feel grit crunching beneath my feet. To be in a house that is lived-in.

Besides couch-lounging, porch-sitting, and garden-strolling, we were able to load and stack hay, visit with grandparents, go on a trail ride and attend the county fair.

Our home wouldn't be the same without animals to add love, humor and personality.

On Saturday, a kind friend from church sold us 60 of his leafiest, second-cutting hay for our old mares. Unfortunately, on the drive back it started raining and the hay got pretty damp. We worked quickly to get it out of the wet and open stacked it in a dry loft, so I'm praying it won't mildew.

Geraniums in their last glory.

Mom's faithful watering and pruning paid off in a profuse harvest of scuppernongs. We can hardly pick them as fast as they ripen.

There is something peaceful about walking under a dewy grape arbor, plucking ripened fruit from the vine and squishing its sweet pulp into your mouth.

God has certainly blessed our family beyond what we deserve, and it was an indescribably wonderful weekend.