Sunday, January 24, 2010

Some thoughts on lingerie...

Flowing, lacey, delicate, feminine allure. That is what lingerie used to be. But not anymore. For some reason, today's lingerie has always bothered me and for the longest time I couldn't figure out why. Then I finally pinned it down:

The majority of it seems vulgar and degrading (How can you say this is not degrading?)

Lingerie was originally designed to incite passion in a beautiful and feminine way.

I think the women in the 40's and 50's knew how to do it right. Their lingerie was modest enough to preserve mystery, and revealing enough to rouse a man's passion. Flowing robes, sheer peignoirs, silk dressing gowns...

Of course, I understand that wives are commanded to submit to their husbands and that both partners' wishes need to be honored, but I think it's perfectly possible to keep it classy and still score every time. ;)


Unknown said...

Catherine, I agree with your thoughts, but I certainly hope there are no male viewers on this blog! I have been embarrassed when at a wedding showers, people give lingerie as gifts. I mean, I don't even want to look at it. I definitely was blushing!

Denise said...

Ok... I emailed because I have some pretty strong arguments against what you've said. The gist of it being, that a married woman needs to really embrace her role as the one who God has created to incite AND fulfill her husband's passions. There is no place for shame in dressing privately to please your husband. Anyway, I'll leave this at that and carry on in my email. LOVE YOU SIS!

Catherine said...

Joanna--I don't have any male readers that I know of, and if I do I tried to keep the pictures I used fairly modest.
Personally, I'd rather pick out my own lingerie than have someone give it as gifts at a shower. It could be potentially awkward to open it depending on what they gave you and who was there. :P

Catherine said...

Oh, and thanks for the e-mail Denise! I appreciated your honest opinion. :)

Eleanor said...

I would be careful to condemn what you have yet to fully appreciate...

In my opinion modesty before your own husband is a bit misplaced. It would be like holding onto your virginity after marriage for the sake of chastity...kind of pointless. Lingerie has nothing to do with being has everything to do with what is visually pleasing to a man. Its only immodest and tasteless when that man is not your husband. Unfortunately society has twisted that which once was pure. And even more unfortunately Christian society today likes to throw out the baby with the bathwater and condemn anything sensual even within the confines of the marriage bed. Which is sad. Because "good girls don't" is only half the story...unfortunately the "with anyone besides their husbands" gets forgotten. ;)

Denise said...

Eleanor, I used that very same sentence in my email, that modesty has no place in marriage, and it's a barrier to oneness should a woman hold onto that.

Your opinion is 100% right on. I appreciate what you said, and agree wholeheartedly.

Mary said...

Thanks for posting that Catherine. I think I understand what you are trying to say. It's unfortunate that our culture has made what God created to be beautiful, vulgar. I wonder if what you are trying to bring out is that even as a married woman your hope is to bring purity to your relationship with your husband and even as you are married 100 years you will still have a feminine purity. The one that is beautiful in the sight of God. It seems to me that the choice of a woman's wardrobe should reflect the goodness of God and His purity at every point in our lives.
Frankly, men see images constantly and are trained by the world what is sexy. Our poor men have such a difficult task to keep themselves pure - even as they are married 100 years. A purity of God.
What a woman wears to be with her husband will reflect the preferences of both the man and the woman. They both have to be comfortable and both personalities need to be appreciated and honored.
It's really a personal matter and personal choice. But the true test is if the Lord is honored - in ALL areas of our lives.
Thanks for bringing this up. Mom's could use it as a point of conversation with their daughters to talk about ALL kinds of things. :)

Catherine said...

Thank you, Mrs. Abele. I truly appreciate your thoughts and wise input. You expressed it much better than I did! :)