Saturday, February 6, 2010

Spring Fever

Although this snowy winter has been a refreshing change from our usual muddy browns and drab grays, I find myself longing for spring.

I'm ready for sunshine and warmth, lazy spring breezes, reading in my hammock, birdsong and orchard blossoms, but most of all, I'm ready to get out there, dig in the dirt and plant my flower seeds!

The other day at Lowes I was drooling over all the seeds. Larkspur, phlox, snapdragons, sweet peas, violets, sweet alyssum, daisies, daffodils, morning glories, sweet williams, delphiniums and countless colorful blends of wild flowers...

Mom has given me two beds in front of her fenced garden to plant my flower seeds in. One one side I'm going to have cupid's dart, pink cosmos and shasta daisies and on the other lantanas, sweet alyssum and johnny jump ups.

But since the last frost date isn't until early April, I suppose I'll have to content myself with drooling over seed catalogs...

My favorite flower. :)

Johnny Jump Ups.


A lovely arrangement of sweet peas.


Hosanna said...

I am so ready for Spring also! This year I am going to plant a butterfly and hummingbird garden. That is, a garden full of flowers that attract hummers and butterflys. And herbs. And my "Victory" veggie garden.... and so many other things..... :)

Catherine said...

How fun! I love butterfly bushes and I've always wanted an herb garden, but we don't really have anywhere to put one.
I've been wondering about your "victory veggie garden". I can't wait till you post about it! :)

Unknown said...

Ah, those flower pictures are so pretty! My favorite month is March, because it sits right between my two favorite seasons. You've inspired me to plant my own garden this year! =D Do you think May is too late of a start?

Catherine said...

May is certainly not too late for a summer garden! Especially since we've had such a harsh winter, I'm crossing my fingers for a long spring. :)